VÁRÓ, György dr.

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m (Created page with "{{Person |pers_title=Dr. |pers_firstname=Váró |pers_lastname=György |pers_position=Head of Facility |pers_email=varo@brc.hu |pers_phone=+36 62599620 }} {{Person}}")
Line 4: Line 4:
|pers_position=Head of Facility
|pers_position=Head of Facility
|pers_facility=Atomic Force Microscope
|pers_phone=+36 62599620
|pers_phone=+36 62599620

Latest revision as of 09:52, 27 March 2014

Dr. Váró György
Position: Head of Facility (Atomic Force Microscope)
Office: +36 62599620

' '
Position: ()

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