Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscope with Confocal Microscope
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Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscope with Confocal Microscope
University of Debrecen
Egyetem tér 1. Life Science Building
VÁMOSI,_ György_Dr.
Head of Group
Dr. György Vámosi
Position: Head of Facility
Office: +36 52 412 623
Group Members
MOCSÁR, Gábor | Mocsgab@med.unideb.hu | +36 (52) 412 623 |
VÁMOSI, György Dr. | Vamosig@dote.hu | +36 52 412 623 |
Price List
About the facility
The Molecular Dynamic FCS and TIRF Microscopy Laboratory specializes in measuring molecular mobility and interactions using techniques unique in Hungary. Olympus FV-1000 confocal microscope can take 3D fluorescence images of cells/tissues, and map molecular interactions by FRET and N&B analysis. The fluorescence correlation spectroscope (FCS) attached to the confocal microscope can perform auto/cross-correlation measurements in two channels in live cells/solution with single molecule sensitivity. Local (co)diffusion, concentration, aggregation can be detected. Olympus total internal reflection microscope (TIRFM) with EMCCD camera, 4 lasers and 2 channels is used for studying cell membranes with single molecule sensitivity. Special software allows determining molecular (co)mobility maps in the whole field of view (2D TIR-FCS/FCCS). Superresolution (20 nm) microscopy by PALM/STORM techniques is possible.
The instruments operate under the aegis of the Molecular Cell Analytic Core Facility.
Main services: measurement; data analysis; experiment design; advising; consultation; teaching programs; Confocal microscopic measurements. Analysis of confocal images, 3D reconstruction. Colocalisation measurements Fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurement (spectral and acceptor photobleaching). Fluorescence correlation and crosscorrelation (FCS, FCCS) measurements in live cells and solutions. Determination of diffusion coefficients (mobility) in live cells and solutions. Co-mobility measurements in live cells and solutions. Fluorescence measurements in the cell membrane with singlemolecule sensitivity using TIRF microscope 2D (co)mobility mapping in the cell membrane with TIRF-FCS Evaluation of FCS, FCCS measurements. FRET, FCS, FCCS experiment design. Microscopy courses.
Area of science:
Biotechnology : Medical biotechnology
Biology : Microbiology, Evolutionary biology, Molecular biology, Structural biology, Immunology, Cell biology