Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope with two photon excitation

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UPecs Biophysics FLIM



Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscope with two photon excitation
University of Pécs
Szántó Kovács János u. 1/B.
NYITRAI, Miklós Dr.

Head of Group

Dr. Nyitrai Miklós
Position: Head of Facility
Office: +36 (72) 536357; +36 (30) 6558261


  Count Description
FLIM system 1

Group Members

NYITRAI, Miklós Dr. Miklos.nyitrai@aok.pte.hu +36 (72) 536357; +36 (30) 6558261


Price List

About the facility

The fluorescence lifetime of the fluorophores can be measured in biological systems in two or three dimensions with the FLIM. The system is suitable for the investigation of thick sample due to the application of multi photon excitation. By determining the distribution of fluorescence lifetimes in the samples it provides more information than the conventional intensity based fluorescence microscopy. The laser used for excitation can be adjusted between 280nm and 1200nm. According to our best knowledge this instrument is unique in the region and also in Hungary, and could be a powerful tool in biological investigations. Apart from the FLIM system we also operate an Olympus IX fluorescence microscope with microinjection system, which can serve as source of complementary information.

Area of science:

Physical sciences : Laser physics and spectroscopy

Biotechnology : Medical biotechnology

Biology : Neurobiology, Immunology, Cell biology, Molecular biology