GE-4096 PET scanner and miniPET-II scanner (Positron Emission Tomography)

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ATOMKI PET scanner



High-resolution Positron Emission Tomograph (Small Animal PET -3)
Institute of Nuclear Research of HAS
Bem tér 18/C.
MOLNÁR, József Dr.

Head of Group

Dr. Molnár József
Position: Head of Facility
Office: +36 (52) 509-200/11252


Group Members

MOLNÁR, József Dr. +36 (52) 509-200/11252


Price List

About the facility

High-Resolution Positron Emission Tomograph is a nuclear imaging scanner for biochemical function study in preclinical investigations (small animal PET) as well as for research of surface chemical process (for example, heterogeneous catalysis). The small animal MiniPET-3 has been developed in Atomki in a cooperation with Institute of Nuclear Medicine of Debrecen University. The scintillation crystals in a full ring configuration detect the annihilation photons of positron emitter radioisotope in the test object. The positron emitter radioisotope is produced in the cyclotron accelerator and the radiolabeled compounds (11C-labeled methanol, methionin) are synthetized in the automatized radiochemical box in Atomki. The MiniPET-3 is the latest (2013) development of small animal PET cameras in the series in Atomki. The MiniPET-2 scanner is used in the Institute of Nuclear Medicine of Debrecen University.

ATOMKI-PET Camera: GE-4096 PET Pozitron Emission Tomograph (earlier for human diagnostics) and miniPET-II (12 detectors) are feasible for nuclear imaging study of small animal investigation as well as corrosion, metal wear and catalysis. The miniPET--II camera was developed in ATOMKI. PET cameras consist of a ring of scintillation crystals to detect the annihilation photons from positron emitter radioisotopes, surrounding the object. These isotopes are produced in nuclear reactions in cyclotron laboratories. The nuclear imaging is by data acquisition electronics, image reconstruction and presentation software.

Area of science:

Engineering sciences : Materials science and technology
Biology : Microbiology