Ion chanel molecular pharmacology laboratory

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Name/ID Ion chanel molecular pharmacology laboratory
Count 1
Facility Molecular Cell Analysis Core Facility
Description Pharmacology laboratory

In the Electrophysiology Laboratory there are 4 electrophysiological workstations, each capable of cellular electrophysiological (patch clamp) measurements. The method allows the measurement of ionic currents across the cell membrane or a small membrane patch, the transmembrane potential as well as the ion current flowing through a single ion channel. The workstations are mounted on inverted fluorescence microscopes (Nikon, Leitz), equipped with micromanipulators (Eppendorf, Burleigh), electronic microelectrode amplifiers (Axopatch 200A, Multiclamp 700B) and computer controlled data acquisition devices (Axon Digidata 1200 and 1322A analog-digital converters). One of the workstations is combined with a PTI DeltaScan microscopic fluorimeter, which facilitates the determination of the intracellular Ca2+ concentration in individual cells by applying Ca2+ sensitive dyes (e.g. Fura-2) and detection of electrophysiological parameters simultaneously.

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