Molecular Cell Analysis Core Facility

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UD MHSC Mol Cell Analysis

[website:: Cell Analysis Core Facility]


Molecular Cell Analysis Core Facility
University of Debrecen
Egyetem tér 1. Life Science Building
H- 4032
SZÖLLŐSI, János Prof. Dr.

Head of Group

Prof. Dr. SZÖLLŐSI János
Position: Head of Facility
Office: +36 52 412623


  Count Description
Becton Dickinson FACSArray high-speed bioanalyzer 1 Bioanalyzer
Becton Dickinson FACSDIVA flow cytometer and high-speed cell sorter 1 Flow cytometer
Becton Dickinson FACScan flow cytometer 1 Flow cytometer
ICys laser scanning cytometer 1 Laser scanning cytometer
Ion chanel molecular pharmacology laboratory 1 Pharmacology laboratory

Group Members

SZÖLLŐSI, János Prof. Dr. +36 52 412623


Price List

About the facility

As a Cellular analytics laboratory it makes possible for researchers to access modern microscopic methods to study cell surface receptors, chromatin structure and stem cells, cell sorting. Sampleas from clinical research are measured as well. These methods can be learned as a part of our doctoral programs.

State-of-the-art cell analysis lab with flow cytometry, microscopy and electrophysiology equipment. Encompasses techniques from high throughput cellular screening to study of single molecules. 3 flow cytometers, BD FACSDIVA capable of high speed cell sorting. CompuCyte iCys slide based imaging cytometer offers high-throughput, high-content imaging of fluorescence/scatter signals of cell populations. 4 electrophysiology workstations, PTI DeltaScan microfluorimeter with patch clamp for simultaneous Ca2+ and electrophysiology measurements. Olympus, Zeiss confocal microscopes, fluorescence correlation spectroscopes to measure molecular (co)mobility and nanomolar concentrations. TIRF microscope for studying cell surface with single molecule sensitivity and superresolution PALM/STORM. TIRF-FLIM microscope for fluorescence lifetime, FRET studies (molecular interactions). Atomic force microscope for topological measurements. Microscopic/flow FRET and FCS analysis softwares.

Area of science: Biology : Other life sciences, Immunology, Physiology, Molecular biology, Structural biology, Cell biology

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